Non-linear loads

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Depends on waht kind of engineering degree mom has:
This quote from a website might be helpful....

In the past, non-linear loads were primarily found in heavy industrial applications such as arc furnaces, large variable frequency drives (VFD), heavy rectifiers for electrolytic refining, etc. The harmonics they generated were typically localized and often addressed by knowledgeable experts.
Times have changed. Harmonic problems are now common in not only industrial applications but in commercial buildings as well. This is due primarily to new power conversion technologies, such as the Switch-mode Power Supply (SMPS), which can be found in virtually every power electronic device (computers, servers, monitors, printers, photocopiers, telecom systems, broadcasting equipment, banking machines, etc.). The SMPS is an excellent power supply, but it is also a highly non-linear load. Their proliferation has made them a substantial portion of the total load in most commercial buildings.
If you had to explain it to your mom, what is a good definition of non-linear loads?:roll:
Aye, it depends on how much mom knows...

For a high lack of knowledge, first explain AC voltage and graphing of instantaneous measurements yields a sinusoidal waveform. Then explain AC current in linear loads, being that the graph of the instantaneous measurements yields a waveform having the same sinusoidal shape. Now explain that a non-linear load has current which the waveform shape is different than that of the voltage.
If you had to explain it to your mom, what is a good definition of non-linear loads?:roll:

Well tell her its like this.

When she used to tell you the current kid to do something for her but your attitude voltage took forever to do it !

If shes and engineer then just say wave shape of current does not follow the wave shape of applied voltage !
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Thanks - now I'm craving a chocolate and peanut butter malted... Which is like sucking peantut butter cups through a straw - but good....
For a linear load, doubling the voltage will double the current. For a non-linear load, doubling the voltage will most likely not double the current. It may increase the current by less than double, or more than double, depending on the type of load.

The Massachusetts income tax is linear with income. The Federal income tax is not linear with income. Yes, it is tax time...
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