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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
I need to use some existing augers that will feed product to another system that uses air. The air system does not have near the capacity of the 14" augers. The augers will need to switch back and forth between the capacity of the AS and what it is now.
The motors are not VFD rated so I need to worry somewhat about cooling at the lower RPMs if I use one. My thought is to use a smaller sheave on the motor, allowing the motor to run at a higher rpm, which would give the needed cooling along with less product to the AS. When I need the higher capacity of the original design, I up the HZ to motor to obtain the original auger rpm. I will look into the max rpm of the motors but from past inquiries that most likely will not be a problem.

From what I can tell I won't be loosing any torque at the auger because of the sheave change on the motor. Am I missing something?
131006-1724 EDT

Make the present motor pulley 1/2 its present diameter, and double the motor speed. Same auger speed and if loaded the same, then the auger torque is the same. So is the power input to the auger unchanged. Assuming no change in efficiency of the belt system, then the output power from the motor will be the same.

The only question is about the electrical and mechanical performance of the motor at the higher (double) speed.

If the auger torque is less than or equal its full speed value, then at lower speeds the power is less than at full speed. Speed times torque is power.

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