Nuetral needed in a disconnect

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Fayetteville WV
I am working in a huge bldg. that has Three Phase 208v bus duct running through out the bldg. The bus duct DOES NOT have a neutral in it. I am planning to feed a three phase 208v transformer through a disconnect in order to create a neutral for a 120/208v three phase panel so that I can feed receptacles and lights in an area of the bldg. My question pertains to the disconnect that is on the primary side of the transformer. Am I required to have a neutral in the Disconnect?
Nope. Not if you configure the transformer for delta primary, and wye secondary.

You are creating a SDS, and the (new) neutral will have to be bonded on the secondary side of the transformer either at the source or the first disconnecting means.
Nope. If it's not needed, it's not required.
{not to be confused by 404.2(C)}
I would verify it is a 208 wye feeding the buss duct, I have a sneaky suspicion that it may be a 240 volt delta. Delta's are used quite often in industrial establishments.
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