objectionable currents

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Senior Member
Re: objectionable currents

Objectionable current is any current on exposed metallic parts that pose a hazard to persons or property. There is not a actual value. In my personal opinion, objectionable current is any current that can be eliminated by alternations of the electrical installation.


Senior Member
Re: objectionable currents

I'm pretty sure there's a good deal of objectionable current out there that nobody knows about.

And I've found neutrals shorted to grounded metal and EGC's way more than once.


Senior Member
Re: objectionable currents

One way to determine if current is flowing where it is not suppose to is by performing a simple test. Turn off all breakers leaving only the breakers on from one phase. Turn on all possible loads from that phase. Measure the current on the ungrounded conductor at the service, next measure the current on the service grounded neutral. They should be the same. If not, you have current flowing through another path or paths back to the source.

In all reality, if you are not having problems with your electrical system, and there are no signs or symptoms that point to current flowing on metal parts, you probably don't have a problem. All service enclosures and the grounding electrode system will have some current flow on them.


Senior Member
Re: objectionable currents

If you put an amp clamp on both the neutral and hot you should see whatever current is on the hot that isn't returning through the neutral.

But that wouldn't show any parallel path that isn't parallel all the way back to the panel.


Senior Member
Re: objectionable currents

To me, 250.6 is not talking about improper neutral-to-case bonding on the load side of the main service disconnect. This isssue is an identifiable violation of the code. What 250.6 seems to be indicating is that grounding connections that are permitted by the code should be limited if objectionable current is created.

In most cases, I see this happening on the line side of the main disconnecting means where all the metallic parts of the service equipment and grounding electrode system are bonded together and to the service ground conductor.
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