Obtaining 240 single phase from 480/208 system.

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Santa Clara, CA

Our company occupies two warehouse suites in an industrial complex. One suite has a 240volt, 200amp single phase service which is perfect.

The other suite has a 480 volt panel. On the ground next to it is a transformer that makes 208/120, so we have a 480 & 208/120 panel next to each other. Problem is build and test electric vehicle chargers. We are not able to do accurate testing / engineering as when we run our equipment, we get 208, not 240.

We're looking on ebay/craigslist and see tons of transformers. Our team has tasked me with purchasing the right one, and hiring an electrician to wire it up from the 480 panel and create a small 15KVA ishhh 240/120 sub-panel for testing purposes. Max load on it will be 10kW. In the idea sub-panel it'll have a double pole 40amp breaker.

What type transformer should I be looking for?
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Single phase 240. We need to replicate a residential power system for other metering purposes. It'll just be your typical 14-50 outlet (we need the neutral as well)
Our team has tasked me with purchasing the right one, and hiring an electrician to wire it up from the 480 panel and create a small 15KVA ishhh 240/120 sub-panel for testing purposes.

Why not just hire the electrician and let them size and procure the transformer?
Your profile says you are an IT person, your electronics can be damaged if you 'choose poorly' is it really worth it?
Better plan. Hire the electrician, have HIM supply you with the correct transformer and take responsibility for the entire setup, instead of buying some unknown piece of scrap metal from FleaBay that someone calls a transformer. If you buy your own and he installs it, and it's junk, you pay him again to remove it, pay someone to dispose of it, pay for another one and pay the contractor to re-install it. And of course run the risk of repeating ad nauseum.

With that, I am closing this thread, in accordance with the Forum rules. This Forum is intended to assist professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry in the performance of their job-related tasks. However, if you are not an electrician or an electrical contractor, then we are not permitted to help you perform your own electrical installation work.

If I have misjudged the situation, if for example this project is related to your work, then send me a Private Message. If you can show me that I am wrong, and that you are a licensed electrician (or at least a licensed apprentice), then I will reopen your post, and offer an apology for the delay and inconvenience.

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