Occupancy sensors

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Right here.
Got a favorite occupancy sensor?

I had the pleasure of installing some P&S occupancy sensors and power pack relays today. I use P&S switches and receptacles normally, but never used their occupancy sensors all this time. They were quite nice to install, and functioned quite well. I was pleased. Not a bad price either. 110 bucks for the occupancy sensor, and 18 for the power pack/relay.



Can you elaborate on the application. I put some in a residence, and they were a problem, so I eventually removed them. I still like the idea, but quality (cost) was the issue, I believe.

I installed a whole bunch of Watt Stoppers (now owned by P&S I think?) in an office job last year. (277 volt power pack with low voltage remote sensor head.) They worked quite well and were easy to install and adjust.

I'm partial to Watt Stopper myself.
SegDog said:

Can you elaborate on the application. I put some in a residence, and they were a problem, so I eventually removed them. I still like the idea, but quality (cost) was the issue, I believe.

These happened to be in a hallway of an apartment building. The hallway was a bit of a maze, turning several corners and up and down a couple steps various places (was really several old buildings connected together). Just two of these occupancy sensors did the trick, since they're ultrasonic. I've known occupancy sensors to be a general pain, but these were pretty nice and worked well right out of the box. In case it matters, the sensors I used were part number CSU1100 and the power pack relay was PWP2120.
Humm.,, Thanks for head up with the P&S occupancy sensors really i havent try it yet but i am used to use the Wattstopper they are allright to me.

I will able to look it more closer with this product and if dont have much issue with it i may swap the whole line in my truck :cool:

Merci, Marc
frenchelectrican said:
Humm.,, Thanks for head up with the P&S occupancy sensors really i havent try it yet but i am used to use the Wattstopper they are allright to me.

I will able to look it more closer with this product and if dont have much issue with it i may swap the whole line in my truck :cool:

I just checked the P&S website and Legrand owns both P&S and WattStopper. The P&S occupancy stuff looks identical to Watt Stopper. My guess is that they are one and the same product with a different name.
peter d said:
I just checked the P&S website and Legrand owns both P&S and WattStopper. The P&S occupancy stuff looks identical to Watt Stopper. My guess is that they are one and the same product with a different name.
Sounds about right. I guess we like the same product, then.
I just checked the Watt Stopper site, and it does appear they are one in the same as the P&S branded one's. The Watt Stopper line is a lot more extensive, and the one's with the P&S brand labeling are just but a few of the most popular. This is good to know.

One thing I did notice about the P&S sensor is that it comes in a red and white box the exact same dimensions as their keyless lampholders. If you're used to seeing their boxed keyless lampholders, you might accidentally mistreat a 100 dollar boxed-up sensor thinking it's a $1.29 keyless.
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I have been using the leviton brand with great success. I have installed these in the engine bays of local fire departments. The series I use operate with both passive infared and ultrasonic sensing. A little more expensive then what you are using, relay packs are $50.00, but worth it imho!

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