OCPD in a switchboards

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m sleem

Top-notch Сasual Dating - Real-life Females
Just question,

Does NEC specify max number of OCPDs in a switchboard?

At one time there was an NEC limit for panelboards but that has been removed.
And that limit was for what they used to call "lighting and appliance" panelboards. To meet the definition you needed to have 10 percent or more of he load branches be 30 amp or less and be line to neutral connected loads.

It would have been possible to have more then the maximum of 42 overcurrent devices (a three pole breaker counted as three devices for this application) if 10 percent or less of them were supplying 15-30 amp line to neutral loads, so a 60 space panel supplying three phase motors would have been rare to find a panel to accept that many breakers (I-Line was one way to do it) but was legal.
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