OCPD vs wire size in equipment

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I have been looking at these lighting controllers for greenhouses. There are several brands but they are factory assembled and take a supply circuit and distribute it to several receptacles, usually 6-15's, mounted on the unit. They come in sizes from 8 KW to 24KW. They have a relay built in which is controlled either by a timer on the unit or they have a 120v plug that closes the contactor. I noticed that all the ones that are 50 amp or less dont have any OCPD - the 15 amp receptacles are just tapped off the 50 amp circuit on the load side of the contactor. The units larger than that have circuit breakers mounted in the unit. Is this a UL thing where they are more liberal than the NEC and allow a 15/20 amp recep to be fed from a 50 amp supply? I am pretty sure these units are listed. Another question would the supply to the unit be a feeder or a branch circuit and would the answer change based on whether it is one of the 50 amp or lower units without breakers or not?
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