Cabin in WA with microhydro, About 4 kHz 3 phase generator for best use of hydro with flow and head I have.
Cabin 800 feet from generator.
all custom one of a kind dc-dc converters to get 400 Vdc to cabin and then and more custom dc-dc converters for lighting and other cutom loads (e.g bypass rect stage in electronic and go straight to internal dc bus, etc) - a few small (50 W) off the shelf dc-ac for small 60 Hz loads not worth bothering with customizing.
selected 400 V as best fit for buying FETS with ratings sufficient to last for 100,000 hours, all ferrite transformers, etc.
nothing simple about any of it.
Back in 1979, even with the cost and state of solar at that time, for the MX racetrack basing scheme solar was a toss up in life cycle cost with building a new power plant and installing the distribution system (4600 sites running 24/7 at 30 kW) in southern Nevada and Utah. Biggest solar advantage was that over the 1950 to 1978 time frame, the longest stretch of continuous overcast was 3 days.