Off Grid House inverter tripping when inverter rated HP is operating.

I installed a Rheem inverter pool heater heat pump on an off grid home. When the heat pump is operational, the home inverter will "trip" have to be reset by the home owner. I installed amp loggers for one month to verify the amps to the pool equipment were below rated amperage. Breakers are not tripping, the inverter itsself encounters some sort of error. Home owner isolated the problem to the heat pump by turning it off for two weeks (no issues), turning it back on then the inverter would trip every other day. Turn the heat pump off for two weeks and no issues.

My best guess is the inverter on the heat pump is creating line noise and causing issues with the house inverter.

My idea to fix is to install a harmonic filter before the heat pump in question, but I am having a hard time finding a small, 240v, 20 amp harmonic filter. Can anyone point me in the right direction? My local suppliers and two online suppliers have not been helpful. I've also posted to an off grid forum for help, but have not found a solution.

Thank you