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bikeindy said:
I think that is a great idea why don't people put in their location?
Some people enjoy privacy, but with the diverse numbers of people on the site, it sure would be easier to tailor the answer more their area if a guy has special knowledge of local rules.
mdshunk said:
Some people enjoy privacy, but with the diverse numbers of people on the site, it sure would be easier to tailor the answer more their area if a guy has special knowledge of local rules.

Is that your face? You just don't want us to know where to find it? Me i wouldn't put my face on here, no one would beable to look at my posts.
iwire said:
Great idea, I urge everyone to update their profile with zip codes and locations. :)
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incarceration. Good behavior and fewer red tags might lead to a bigger cell.:grin:
Glad you brought this up Mr. Kennedy

Glad you brought this up Mr. Kennedy

mdshunk said:
Some people enjoy privacy, but with the diverse numbers of people on the site, it sure would be easier to tailor the answer more their area if a guy has special knowledge of local rules.

I recieved a response just last night regarding an interpretation on a local issue. And its nice to know where the members are at so that you may add comentary about their location or whatever. It makes the forum more interesting. Having visited many areas throughout the country in my travels, it's a great way to break the ice. I have received several coments on things ranging from my avatar to my location to my intrests.

Fill out your profile.....that means you too Mcdonalds Fry Cook.;)

Be Not Afraid.
chris kennedy said:
Please review your profile and see if you would like to add your location.


Your beating a dead horse here Chris. I have tried this a couple of times and it falls on def ears and bad jokes. It should be a requirement apon registration to at least list what state you are in.
Cavie said:
Your beating a dead horse here Chris. I have tried this a couple of times and it falls on def ears and bad jokes. It should be a requirement apon registration to at least list what state you are in.

Cavie, I thought about a reuqirement for registration on this but that might limit membership? Mabey? Would that be good? I don't know.
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