Office Outlets

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Senior Member
Am i under the wrong thinking that a duplex outlet is to be calculated at 360 (2 x 180)watts ?
And just how many duplexes could one put on a 20 amp 120 volt circuit in an office building ?

[ September 09, 2004, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]
Re: Office Outlets

Jim, 220.3(B)(9), 180 volt-amperes for each single or for each multiple receptacle on one yoke.

Re: Office Outlets

As far as how many on a circuit, be sure the circuit is 120 volts not 115 volts before you calculate your answer go here for the reason :)

Re: Office Outlets

Roger thanks i thought i had that part right.
As to my second half of the question am i correct to say we can not have more than 6 duplexes on this circuit? or is the 180 watts used just for calculating the service ?
Re: Office Outlets

What size circuit Jim?

We had a very long thread here in the past and if I remember the answers for a 20 amp circuit where 10, 12, 13, and 13 1/2. :p
Re: Office Outlets

Every thing is in MC 12-4 feeding 3 circuits.My concern was today on a layout we had an office with 2 duplexes on lets say circuit #30 and then in hallways and other rooms we ended up with 10 duplexes on circuit #30.
There is still time to correct this as i am not pulling them till morning.This just seems wrong to me.Not worried about derating just the number that we must stop at.360 x 6 = 2160
Re: Office Outlets

Jim, it is actualy 20 x 120 = 2400 / 180 = 13.3 or 13 receptacles per circuit. Remember 180 VA per yoke.

Re: Office Outlets

I was taught in that thread that 13.3 duplex outlets on a 20 amp circuit is OK.

What I see as typical in the offices we wire is 2 to 4 duplex's per circuit for the circuits feeding the desks.

The outlets that are spread around in hall ways and open spaces for the cleaners to use for vacuuming often have 8 to 12 duplex's.
Re: Office Outlets

ok thanks guys i see my mistake .A duplex is one yoke so 180 watts.I just hope this all works out ok.I personally would rather see i circuit per office.I think we got the bid cause we are going about as cheap as possible on the job.
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