office overhaul

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Senior Member
I am looking to purchase a new computer program for my office. One that will eliminate the need for quick books. Ideally I would like to be able to do my scheduling, bookeeping, payroll, A/R, A/P, write checks, have some sort of HR software, enter my entire customer list and make appropriate notes and reminders. Also, one that has an add on for a material cost sheet or flat rate pricing. My secretary has been looking into this but I figured you guys may have some input. Hopefully, you can steer me in the right direction and recommend something not to complicated for my use too.


Senior Member
We checked into the contractor type programs. They are pretty steep, to the tune of 10k if I remember. I think what we looked at was American Contractor. They sell you a base program then have add on modules that stack up quick. Then you have around $1500 a year maintanence fees. If you are a 5 million a year contractor it may work for you. We are not there yet so we are staying with Quickbooks Enterprise for now. We also have Conest for estimating and Microsoft for our office stuff. It seems to work pretty smooth for us now that we have things established.


Senior Member
dduffee260 said:
We checked into the contractor type programs. They are pretty steep, to the tune of 10k if I remember. I think what we looked at was American Contractor. They sell you a base program then have add on modules that stack up quick. Then you have around $1500 a year maintanence fees. If you are a 5 million a year contractor it may work for you. We are not there yet so we are staying with Quickbooks Enterprise for now. We also have Conest for estimating and Microsoft for our office stuff. It seems to work pretty smooth for us now that we have things established.
Thanks. Yeah, were not quite there either. Quickbooks and Microsoft for us too. But theres got to be something out there for us small guys.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
There’s' no measure that we could qualify or say here of what might work for You, JMO. There should be alot of suggestions thou !!!

I'm all for someone getting progressive in their application of what is work to you!

There are professionals that will set up your office for you!
They might stir you in a user direction (that might be one-sided) or two, but you'll need to decide in the final call.

In most cases that I've heard of, a bookkeeper is usually hired period.

People can set up just about any aspect of your business for you. Be it letterheads and interfacing, the web, for you and anything electronic.

The problem is finding that one person or a small company that you feel comfortable with. I'd shop for prices I'd consider anything over ten days
that includes training on your total package of your new system an overkill. FWIW...

What, wait do I know, I'm in the field ...

Come on Crew tell him some Software sercets, Pro's and Con's...


Senior Member
I'm not seeing much on your list that you can't do in QB Pro. I've got client list, A/R aging, vendors list, checkbook/bookkeeping, flat rate pricing (Items List). It can do payroll with their payroll service, and inventory. For a small shop I wouldn't think scheduling software would be hard to find or expensive. I thought everyone loved QB. Keep it simple.



Senior Member
One problem with finding that perfect fit software is the possibility of loss of support if the software company goes under or gets bought out and the product line changes. Sticking with a popular product like Quickbooks has a lessend probability of that happening. Another option is to hire someone who has good experience with database construction and design. That is an angle that bypasses many. Other types of business use that approach alot. You can find many schools, insurance companies, realty companies etc., who have gone that route and use Oracle or some other db format to create an inhouse solution. If you have a large operation, this can pay for itself. Seems to me that most posters here do not run that type of company, but I have noticed one or two lately who seem to be headed in that direction.:wink:
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