Office receptacle calculations help

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I am trying to find out if dedicated office loads need to be added to the calculations for a Bank or office.
I know i am supposed to use the larger of 1 va/ sq ft V/S receptacle load at 180va per yoke per 220.14.K with the lighting load at 3.5 va / sq ft.
what i am questioning if there are dedicated circuits listed and the listed circuits including the dedicated were smaller than the 1 va/ sq ft.
I thought dedicated was added to the 1 va / sq.
This was on a masters test and After many hours of searching I am not sure if i did it correctly.
example a 10000 sf office: 2ea dedicated copy machines 15 amp, 30 gp receptacles.
I used the 10000va +3600 for my load as 1va per sq ft is larger than the 30 gp @180 + dedicated 3600. this has been bugging me as I thought it was correct but I have to take the test again (different one) I passed the code knowledge but failed the calculations and the other parts were not that hard but this was the first question and the next 3 or 4 built on this one.
Should I have left the dedicated off as it was smaller? there was an answer that if i left them out i think would have also matched.
I may be getting two focused and not seeing the big picture but i think all my film is getting over exposed.
This probably doesn't help, and I'm not sure who wrote your test, but there is no guarantee they know what they are doing.

We frequently see bad test questions posted here. Frequently there isn't enough info. given to actually solve the question, and something must be assumed. Other times there seems to be more than one answer depending on how you read it.
Thanks, they are very tough and the questions I miss on the knowledge test that is my problem"how I read them" but I pass that one. Just have to get the license and I will never do 3/4 of what they test on. Thanks again for the response.
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