Ohm calculation - Please Help

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Huntington WV
A conductor of 117ft in length and 980sq-mils in cross-sectional area has a resistance of 1 ohm, What is the resistance of 1987ft of wire of 9862sq-mils of cross-sectional area?
The basic rule is that resistance is proportional to length and inversely proportional to cross sectional area.

Double the length you double the resistance.

Multiply the cross section by 10, get 1/10 the resistance.

As an equation: R2 = L2/L1 * A1/A2 * R1

I suggest doing the problem in two steps. Your starting point is 117' @ 980 sq mils = 1 ohm. Now what happens if you lengthen the conductor to 1987 ft? And then what happens if you increase the conductor size to 9862 sq mils?

P.S. You may have the right answer already, I haven't checked, but you certainly haven't explained it in a way that makes it easy to know if you did it right. I.e. it would be easy to inadvertently flip a ratio and get the reciprocal of the correct answer.

Cheers, Wayne
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