Oil-Filled XFMR and DG Fuel Tank

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charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer
How close can they be? The oil is the "less flammable" type. 450.23(B) and 450.27 appear to deal only with the risk that an insulating oil fire might have on adjacent buildings. But what about a DG sitting on top of its fuel tank? Who decides how close it can be to the transformer? The transformer will have a containment curb, but 450.27 seems to leave it to someone to decide how serious the hazard is and how much protection is needed.

Can anyone shed some light on this? Is there another standard I should be reading?
Check with the owners insurance carrier. I know for a fact FM has specific requirements.

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As long as the DG isn't within the containment area. Xfmr's aren't "arcing devices" so that's not an issue. And when they get hot enough to spew oil, that stuff isn't "less flammable".
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