oil tank code

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Senior Member
Has anyone heard of a code that an electric panel cannot be within 5' of an oil tank? I am in NH. Thanks
Maybe if your 'oil tank' was an oil filled transformer there would be requirements in the NEC. ;) Probably not the case...

Is there any requirements of a having a panel close to an oil filled transformer? a quick search of 408 didn't turn up anything:confused:

As far as an oil tank goes, I think it would depend upon the flash point of the oil, if under 100? it would be a article 500 location, if it produces a flammable vapor under normal operating conditions, which I don't think most oil will, maybe used oil with gas mixed in might, but that would be per case call.
If it does then 515 would have to be followed.
As I see he is from New Hampshire and I am betting he is talking about a fuel oil tank in a homes basement, just like the one that is no more than 12' from were I am sitting right now.:)

Luckily none of these fuel oil tanks cause any change in the wiring requirements.
Has anyone heard of a code that an electric panel cannot be within 5' of an oil tank? I am in NH. Thanks

If its a home heating oil, as I suspect, no.
Who is telling you this? Maybe I don't want to know.

Of course having it far enough away to allow you to work on the panel (aside from required clearances) and the oil man enough room to remove the tank.....would be a design issue :)
Is there any requirements of a having a panel close to an oil filled transformer? a quick search of 408 didn't turn up anything:confused:

As far as an oil tank goes, I think it would depend upon the flash point of the oil, if under 100? it would be a article 500 location, if it produces a flammable vapor under normal operating conditions, which I don't think most oil will, maybe used oil with gas mixed in might, but that would be per case call.
If it does then 515 would have to be followed.

I don't have it front of me now, but if its located in a vault, I think there are limits to what can be close by...unless its related to the vault or transformer. Maybe a stretch...
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