Old branch ckts new oven

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Senior Member
I am installing new ovens in a school kitchen. The old branch ckt wiring is large enough so I am reusing it. My problem is there is no Grounding conductor. There is a white wire they ran to the neutral bar and the old install used this as a ground wire. I pulled a green wire in the whip that I ran to the ovens and grounded it to the box. I rang out the conductors from the ovens to the panel throught the metal of the pipes and panels so I do know they are continuos. How would you do it or give me a code art to research. Thanks

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Sounds like you did just fine. I am assuming you have plenty of fill in the conduit so if that is the case you did food. You would normally use Table 9 looking for the correct raceway and see how many wires would be alowed for a given wiring method,
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