Old breaker retrofit

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Senior Member
Right here.
Hey, ran into something weird the other day. It was a Square D "QIB" panel, with QIB breakers. Never saw these before. In any event, they don't make them anymore, and I needed to replace one of the breakers. The retrofit is to use a QOB breaker, and Square D sells a kit of different style buss bar "fingers" that you need to change all three fingers of the buss for that space(this was a 3 pole breaker) to adapt to use the QOB breaker. It was a sufficiently interesting enough repair that I thought I'd post it here for posterity.
Re: Old breaker retrofit

Yes, I remember the Q1B, & it had breakers like you describe.

There was also an A1B in that same time frame.
The A1B used the same busbar "fingers".
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