Old condo with #2 Al 2- conductor cable with bare Nuetral feeding Sub

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Senior Member
Electrician ,contractor
Hi Just ran into a condo that the feeder from the meter to the Subpanel inside the unit is #2al -2 conductor cable with a bare nuetral no seperate ground. I suppose Cloth coverd SER

My question:
1) was this ever legit built in the late 60'- 70's

2) Is there a solution other than replacing the feeder?

3) if a panel is replaced would you think fixing this is required?

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By the way this feeder carries the entire load.

Just for the heck of it I'll comment.

It really depends on how things are set up. You say this SE cable runs from the meter to the panel? If this panel carries the entire load and there is no main it doesn't sound any different than many old houses. Did they ground the system at the panel or is it an ungrounded stystem.

If you were to change out the panel (with an electrical repair permit) they would probably want it grounded or they could require an external disconnect.

I would check with the local authorities about what you intend to do. Some areas grandfather-in more than others. I noramlly explain what I want to do before doing the job to see if it meets approval.
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