Old GE load center

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Looking for info on a 45 year old GE T8R10B - some questions:

1. Are tandems allowed (my take is no, based on the "8" in the model #).
2. When did code requirements for height of breaker handles take effect? The breakers here are 80 and 83 inches above the floor.
3. When did breaker orientation (up is on and vice versa) take effect?
4. What about clear access - cabinets block access.

The place (co-op) was built in 1964. I am telling clients to replace the panel - will they have to bring it down and to the side, or is the existing location considered "pre-existing" and re-usable?

I know there are alot of questions - thanks in advance.

Unless you are there to do a code compliance inspection, I normally tell folks what the problems are and what the consequences can result from the problems. After that it is up to them and their electrician as to what is actually done. This is pretty much what is required by the state and my E&O insurance.
The Non- CTL type panels are prior to 1968 you may be able to buy a "Non-CTL*" twin breaker from GE. In the 1975 NEC 240-81 stated that "ON" shall be the up position in a vert. mounted breaker, there was no 240-81 in the 1971 NEC.

* The big blue box store locally (Lowes/Blowes) has had Siemens Non-CTL twins on the shelf for a while, but that is of little help to you as I doubt they are UL classified to be used in a GE panel.
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