Old house feeder panel / new circuit is it safe?

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Indian Land
I was wanting to add a simple 3 wire 15amp GFCI circuit to the outdoor patio. Is it safe? As shown in this photo. This old panel has neutrals and grounds mixed inside the feeder panel. It has a 100 amp main circuit breaker. I'm worried about the ground and neutrals being mixed together. Home was built in the 1940s.

Thanks in advance.


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GFCI circuitry doesn't care about mixed grounds and neutrals in the panel, just downstream of its protection.

There is nothing unsafe about mixing them in the service entrance panel. The neutral is bonded to ground at this point, probably by that green screw in the top of the neutral bar connector going into the back of the box or something similar.
Yes the green screw is the bonding screw ties neutral to ground...the is the main service panel to the house. Old houses and old wiring. I was always taught to separate them at the service panel when terminating...but the neutral does get bonded to ground with the bonding screw

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isnt the ground rod conductor running to the right of the meter box... looks funny running inside the wood like that but... I have to run it into meter in Jamaica and can bring it from meter to panel if less than five feet, otherwise have to run two conductors..one to meter and one to panel... not sure why, just what they want.
Yes the green screw is the bonding screw ties neutral to ground...the is the main service panel to the house. Old houses and old wiring. I was always taught to separate them at the service panel when terminating...but the neutral does get bonded to ground with the bonding screw

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Whoever taught you that was wrong or misguided.

The neutral does not get bonded to “ground” with that green screw, it bonds the the enclosure to the grounded conductor. The GEC is commonly landed in the same bus bar which regrounds the neutral at the panel.
Yes, I saw the #6 and a solid just not sure where they go. The wire by the meter coming from inside the wall? Your guess is as good as mine. Op could clear it up and "on Indian Land" is that a res. and do you have to follow code when on native ground?
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