Old Navy

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Senior Member
Got a set of prints for an Old Navy store in a mall I'm bidding on.

Anyone ever do one, or been involved with one?

Any advice is much appreciated.


Senior Member
I quoted lighting and switchgear for one in my area about five years ago. I tried to find my notes on it and couldn't find any. As old as it was it probably wouldn't have helped anyway. Sorry.
Check the specs carefully for restrictions on hours, access to the site, material storage and WHO exactly you will be working for, site PM authority, waste and clean up, all the usual CYA stuff but worse (malls); and be prepared for an insane progress schedule,

The work itself is the easy part. ;)

Buck Parrish

Senior Member
I've not done a Old Navy.
I have done some others that use computers to controll the lighting.
The manager can sit at the computer and turn all the lights on or off.


Senior Member
C3PO said:
I quoted lighting and switchgear for one in my area about five years ago. I tried to find my notes on it and couldn't find any. As old as it was it probably wouldn't have helped anyway. Sorry.

Lights are supplied by Owner, GC pays for switchgear.

Just want to check my costs & manhours against anyone else who may have done one.


Senior Member
Right here.
I did one about 96-97-ish. It was pretty easy, all in all. Like many of these clothing stores, it's all about the lights. I remember the ceiling being all chopped up in layers, so you really had to use your mind's eye a lot during the rough.


Senior Member
central nc
we renovated one about a year ago. it wasnt in the mall it was freestanding. the majority of the whole renovation was adding a but load of track fixtures. Be very carefull we had major problems with the lighting vendor you are forced to buy from. the total package was about 90 grand and there were literally truck loads of small parts. we withheld $20,000 until they were forced to send a rep out to see how much of the wrong stuff they sent. we ended up with a trailer full of misc track parts that they didnt want back so I charged them another $800 for materilal handling and desposal. they paid it graciously because they knew we could have hit them alot harder but we kept the project going because we were trying to land 2 more stores with the developer.
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