Senior Member
- Location
- Palm Bay, FL
What's up with th poco? During a preventive maintenance visit to one of our facilities I noticed that the conductors making up the service drop to the faciltiy were old and losing their insulation. This concerned me since the drop is a 4 wire vertical stack which then connects to the building horizontally (see picshttp://www.picfury.com/galleries/ImageGallery-51056.html ) so there is a chance that the conductors could make a connection with each other during a high wind and make pretty colors and molten copper. I had the building manager call the poco and when they came out they said it was no big deal and that if the lights started to flicker, give them a call back. What the crap? I've never worked for a civillian power company before so I'm not quite sure what they're thinking here. I know that when I was a lineman in the Air Force we would have never allowed this old crap to remain on our base especially in a situation like this. Any thoughts?