one egc for 2 or more circuits

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Cranston RI
I came across a 6 awg egc terminated on a grounding bus in a 12by12by6 inch junction box that had 23 circuits rated 20 amps each circuit.All the 12AWG egc were terminated on the grounding bus in the 12by 12by 6 inch jucntion box with one 6AWG egc going back to the panel with those 23 cicuits. Was this a violation of code?
While I agree with Bob's (iwire) fundamental answer; i.e., nothing was inherently wrong with the EGC setup, may we assume all the circuit conductors, including grounded and ungrounded and the EGC, were enclosed in a common raceway? Was this actually a classified (hazardous) location application? Were any of the circuits multi-wire branch circuits?
one EGC for 2 or more circuits

one EGC for 2 or more circuits

Thanks for posting those code requirements iwire and rbalex.The raceway was common with all classified locations and no mutiwire branch circuit.
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