Online Submission

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Senior Member
New Hampshire
Is anyone having trouble with the on line public input process. I am trying to strike through existing text but nothing shows up on the following screen. It also seems to automatically underline the text as if it was added.
I have done no less than 8 proposals online so far and it went like a breeze. You do not need to do any of the strike through in the online system. You simply choose the area you wish to revise, check that box and click next. When you edit the information by deleting the wording you don't want and adding the new wording you do want the online system will add the strike through and underlining automatically when you click the next button and choose to save your edits.
A couple notes:

It does not work in Chrome (tried on two PCs).

For those that don't have a PDF and have internet access, you can use the submission process to look up (and copy) sections of the 2014 Code. I haven't used it in this manner because I have the PDF version... but I think it would be much less frustrating than using the online RealRead version... :happyyes:
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