oops, gotta add a shearwall

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This has happened a handful of times inthe past year. You rope
a house, supposedly carpenters, hvac & plumbers are all done.
You're the last one before cover. Somehow, some insp. sez,
I want these interior walls to be made into shear walls. Your wires
are where they belong, in the center of the 2x4, no nailplates needed.
Hmmm, turns out nails are like 8d (2.25" long), 1/2 osb shear.
They nail the crap out of the shearwalls & low & behold, they
didn't hid a wire, not yet... I'm amazed. Ever happen to you guys?
No, can't say as I've ever had that happen to me, but if it did, I wouldn't let it ruin my day. That's why God invented stuff like change orders and back charges.
Ask the inspector, where he was sleeping during the plan review?
Not to worry it a change order item, more money for you.
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