Open Garage = Damp Location

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State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
Inspectors in an adjacent jurisdiction have a group of apartments with attached garages. The garages have no overhead doors but are enclosed on 3 sides.
They have made the call that the garage area would be damp location which is contrary to the way it is addressed in our area.
Do any of your areas comsider such locations as "damp" locations ?
It technically would be if you think of it this way. Is the area below a freeway a damp location? Why well it is exposed to moisture in the atmosphere any time it's cold. There isn't direct rain in it though so it's not wet. Another criteria is what wall finish is used. If drywall it won't survive for long so it's most likely siding material or some time of wood aleast. Now I did a similar install that instead of wet rated covers just used regular switch covers since even though it's partially open it had a door on 2 sides but an open door way also.
Here's the somewhat lousy Article 100 definition. Closet thing there is a roofed open porch but that's 3 sides open. I'm leaning towards not a damp location by that definition.

Location, Damp.
Locations protected from weather and not subject to saturation with water or other liquids but subject to moderate degrees of moisture. (CMP-1)
Informational Note: Examples of such locations include partially protected locations under canopies, marquees, roofed open porches, and like locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of moisture, such as some basements, some barns, and some cold-storage warehouses.
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