Open ground

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If you are speaking of the grounded (neutral) conductor, not normally but it's possible some printers have circuitry which prevent them from operating without an equipment ground.

Side Note: Something an Apprentice should learn quickly is the proper nomenclature for "ground", "grounded" and "grounding". Not only will it have an effect on the answers to question such as this, failure to use the correct term indicates a lack of electrical knowledge./
Thanks for the advice. My receptacle checker was reading open ground and when I checked my voltage I had 55volts from nuetral to ground and 65volts from hot to ground

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Those voltages were likely "capacitively coupled" voltages to the non connected EGC. Testing with a low impedance meter would not have measured any voltage if that were what was happening.

Do a search for "capacitive coupling" (just in this site if you want to it seems to come up pretty frequently) and do some reading up on that topic and come back with any questions you may have on it.
Most of today's data handling equipment isn't so sensitive as some from the past was when you have grounding issues, usually didn't make the item not work at all though, just seemed to introduce data errors.
Thanks Augie. We all tend to use the term ground loosely. It is no longer an Article 100 defined term. Certainly if you are taking a test for electrician, you must know the correct terms.
For example, this was posted on the forum some time ago:
"What size ground for a 200 amp commercial service?"
If you are speaking of the grounded (neutral) conductor, not normally but it's possible some printers have circuitry which prevent them from operating without an equipment ground.

Side Note: Something an Apprentice should learn quickly is the proper nomenclature for "ground", "grounded" and "grounding". Not only will it have an effect on the answers to question such as this, failure to use the correct term indicates a lack of electrical knowledge./

So, if I have a hot, open neutral, and good ground, the printer will work? :?
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