Hopefully someone can help me with this. I first noticed this connection in South Carolina in the 80s. I have seen it in Ohio also. The utility will bring two phases of primary and a neutral conductor into two transformers and connect the two transformers in an open delta configuration and come out with three phase. If you put the system on a scope you will have a pure three phase sine wave. Excuse me, the way I look at it you have a single phase system turned into three phase. In other words if you have a 12,470 three phase network like we have in Ohio, you bring two phases of primary and a neutral 7200 volts if you will, a single phase system, and come out of two transformers connected in open wye on the primary and open delta on the secondary and produce three phase. Am I looking at this wrong? A friend of mine told me, "Herb if you do not look at this vectorially you will never understand it". Hopefully some of you can help me understand this.