operation room wiring

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Senior Member
Tujunga, CA
I am wiring the power outlet in dental surgery room with green cables that include redundant grounding conductors.
Questoin here is?????
what is good way to feed dental chaires in the iceland of rooms ( under-slab wiring)

Thank you
I am wiring the power outlet in dental surgery room with green cables that include redundant grounding conductors.
Questoin here is?????
what is good way to feed dental chaires in the iceland of rooms ( under-slab wiring)

Thank you

Metal conduit in or under the slab. I have used EMT painted with mastic or wrapped with 10 mil tape, in the slab. For under I have only used GRC because I don't want corrosion to deteriorate the grounding capability of the conduit.
You probably want to check with the LA county or LA city building department to see what they allow or may want.
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