IMO, if your State allows one-man LLC's, that's probably the way to go. If you do though, you need to file the proper documents with the IRS to allow you to be taxed as a corporation and then taxed as a Subchapter S corporation.
What that does for you is to allow you to take a modest salary and not have to pay Social Security taxes on the profits above the salary. (In case you don't know, that's a 15.3% tax).
If you are a Corporation (and I think this might apply to LLC also) you have an easier time getting medical insurance at a group rate. All of your employees will have to participate to keep it, but if you are the only employee......
There are other things that are just as important. Are you familiar with proper record keeping? Are you doing the books? Are you going to give yourself a W-2 and pay 941 taxes during the year? Do you know about quarterly tax payment requirements? If you are unsure, you should get up with a CPA.
One last very important item. Capitalization. Do you have a budget going forward and do you know how you are capitalizing your business. I owned a pickup truck (payed in full) when I started in 1996 and did relatively small jobs (nothing over about $5,000) for a few months. I did not have any large overhead. In buying tools I didn't have and materials to stock my truck and office supplies/equipment and financing my AR and and and......, I went through about $20,000 before I started taking in more than I was spending. It was the best $20,000 I ever spent, baring none!
Good luck.