Opinions: Under Cabinet Lighting

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Senior Member
Currently in NJ
Hey there,

I will be visiting my folks for Christmas and they'd like me to install some under cabinet lights in their new kitchen. I'm undecided if I want to install standard xenon strips (Kichler), low voltage xenon tracks (Juno), or t5 flourescents (Pegusus). I like the look and ease of install of a line voltage xenon strip but noticed they do generate a descent amount of heat. The LV track looks pretty trick but I also like the efficiency and cooler operating temps of a flourescent. Any opinions? Any particular manufacturer you like?
mark32 said:
The LV track looks pretty trick but I also like the efficiency and cooler operating temps of a flourescent. Any opinions? Any particular manufacturer you like?

IMO U/C lighting should be kept to a minimum of heat output - although a usually hate the light output of flouro - I have seen some cabinets damaged by fixtures that are too hot for the kitchen so to speak - more correctly the cabinet materials they are mounted on or in. Most halogen fixtures also put out a LOT of UV with that heat, and can be a damaging combination. I've seen scorched wood, melted laminates, a few that looked like they might be near ignition.... The fixtures themselves also have a tendency to over-heat and gradually self-destruct with higher wattages. Quality name brand fixtures do better than others on this with UV shielding and heat disapation.

That said I would avoid open - or track type incandescent (Be it halogen or xenon) fixtures in a situation like that for the exact same reasons. Say someone puts a grocery bag on the counter, and it gets pushed bag against the fixture and lamps....

That said all of the companies you mentioned make some decent Fluorescent lighting. Juno makes a pretty slim one, and for a few bucks extra Alkco (Maybe many more bucks.... ) Slique 2..... (Alkco has a lifetime guarantee - which I doubt pays for the labor, but hey - you're doing it free anyway....)
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We almost always use Juno Mini-12 track with xenon lamps. The best thing about track lighting is flexibility. An over sized transformer gives you the ability to add more lamps if someone feels that it isn't bright enough. Also the light can be very evenly disbursed on the counter top surface. Personally I prefer the very white xenon to fluorescence lighting. As e57 pointed out they do generate some heat, but IMO the amount is negligible.
i like the track with the little bullet bulbs (pegasus may be the brand here as well). very even lighting and dimmable , which is always an ambiance enhancer.
I've installed many different types of uc lights. I have stuck with NSL Xenon for a few years now. After 1500 plus fixtures I've had no complaints nor have I burned anyones cabinets that I know of.

Xenon- nicer light output, dimmable, different color fixtures available.
Fluoresecent- Yuck

See for yourself......http://www.nslusa.com/xenontask.html
the new electronic flourescents with the dual end to end terminal connections are very easy to install and operate without the heat problem generated by the incandescent lamps. they are pricey--almost $60. each ---but with the money your making
they will make a nice christmas present for your parents!!!
Thanks for the replies. I see there is no clear favorite as two members preferred flourescents, two the xenon track and the last two the xenon strip deal. I know most don't care for the color of flourescents, but what about all the different heat ranges they come in now. Is it not possible to get a flourescent near the range that of a xenon?
Okay, make that three fans of flourescent. Thanks Mr. Tuna, I was thinking along the same lines, they would be nice supplemental Christmas presents. Did you say with all the money I am making? That's a good one :) What part of FL are you in?
the color on the new flourescent lamps is warm white and blends well with any surrounding incandescent lighting. i recently built my own house and installed them and found fixtures with T-8 lamps. the next house i wired i could only find them with the mini lamps and was afraid there wouldn't be enough light--but they appear to match the T-8's.. also, i wanted some indirect lighting above the cabinets and the "lowes" salesman talked me into using "puck" lights controlled by a programable dimmer. they look very good........

i am in north florida---above gainsville..
kkwong said:
I have also had people complain about the brightness of Xenon.

That's what they make dimmers for.

I don't really think the amount of heat from the Xenon uc lights is that big of an issue but maybe that's just me.

The reality is not what we like it's what the customer likes.

I'd be careful with the strip type lighting in regards to appearance. With all the small bulbs under the cabinet it may look like a redneck Christmas under there if you are not careful.

Also, I can guarantee I can install the lights I use faster and neater than the strip lights with remote tranformer type setups.
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Placement of under cab lights

Placement of under cab lights

Typically I (Along with my electrician friends) mount under cab lights near the rear of the cabinet but I recently read most designers suggest mounting them near the front of the cabinet for reasons unknown to me. Does anyone follow this advice or just keep sticking them towards the rear?
mark32 said:
Typically I (Along with my electrician friends) mount under cab lights near the rear of the cabinet but I recently read most designers suggest mounting them near the front of the cabinet for reasons unknown to me. Does anyone follow this advice or just keep sticking them towards the rear?

IMO, they just plain look better towards the back, and for common sense reasons, towards the back is where the shadow/dark area is...
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