Options for hot tub circuit

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San Antonio,TX
If main service panel is full (6 swithes ). What are best options?
change panel or upgrade guys if possible to include a main breaker or remove existing breaker and install a sub panel feed ( which breaker typically gets removed and relocated to sub panel)
Size breaker to feed sub panel
any advice would appreciated
A panel upgrade is always the best option if the main is chock full. Budget will always determine what you end up doing, of course.
Is the existing 6 switch (only) or 6 position 12 circuit?

I do agree an upgrade is a better option.
I usually nipple a 100 amp panel from the main and move 4 breakers or 2 dp breaker into the new panel. This gives me a space for the new panel breaker and then I have spaces for the tub in the main panel
If main service panel is full (6 swithes ). What are best options?
change panel or upgrade guys if possible to include a main breaker or remove existing breaker and install a sub panel feed ( which breaker typically gets removed and relocated to sub panel)
Size breaker to feed sub panel
any advice would appreciated

What is the service size? I don't see the six switches used much on anything larger than 100 amp. So I would suggest a load calulation to start with. You may need a service upgrade and this would take care of needed spaces.
What is the service size? I don't see the six switches used much on anything larger than 100 amp. So I would suggest a load calulation to start with. You may need a service upgrade and this would take care of needed spaces.

Around here it was common to see 6 overcurrent protective device in a 12 circuit panel with no main. Sub panel, well pump, range, water heater, a/c, heat.

We don't see that much anymore for some reason however, those panels are everywhere.
Around here it was common to see 6 overcurrent protective device in a 12 circuit panel with no main. Sub panel, well pump, range, water heater, a/c, heat.

We don't see that much anymore for some reason however, those panels are everywhere.

Are you talking about a split buss panel? There may be some of those still around I don't see them much anymore.

With range, water heater, AC and possible heat and dryer and maybe even a well pump ( don't see many in the metro area) I would still do a load calculation. With a hot tub you are adding close to 40 amps of continuous load (some of them anyway). He didn't mention the service size.

I never really liked the split buss panels and couldn't see what the advantage was supposed to be when they were used. They may have saved a couple bucks on the main breaker but not enough to make it worth while.
Around here it was common to see 6 overcurrent protective device in a 12 circuit panel with no main. Sub panel, well pump, range, water heater, a/c, heat.

We don't see that much anymore for some reason however, those panels are everywhere.
Look at instructions of the panel if you are considering such an application. Many are not listed for use as service equipment unless they have a main breaker installed, you could still apply the six mains rule to a feeder supplied structure though.
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