Organizing Hard copies and Labeling question

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So Im now working with offsite engineers and creating as build drawings for a lot of the older equipment at my site
I wanted to know what you store the oversized hardcopy drawings?

Is there a special type of binder or folder to keep them in?

Im also wondering what everyone uses for labeling, the one I use at the site is not very good, the adhesive looses its stick shortly after the wires have been labeled, Ive heard good things about the Brady BMP21-PLUS but I wanted to ask before ordering anything
I've got a Kroy 4100, works really nice. Prints on shrink-tube, so there's no falling off, and it doesn't fade out over time like some others.:thumbsup:
Flat file or hanging file, it's useless without a good index. Even if you keep the index in Excel, it's better than nothing. Otherwise its a PITA trying to find odd drawings, especially if you're simply doing onsies, twosies to document one small portion of the site's as-built condition. If you're using a full-blown CAD system, also be sure to use the built-in option to print your drawing to a PDF file. It can preserve your layer information, and if you put revisions on separate layers, you can easily see what happened when by toggling the layers on and off. This also makes the drawing accessible to nearly anyone with Adobe Acrobat Viewer.
It really depends on the volume you will be doing and what size sheets you have, how large the sheet sets are, what you have for available space, etc.
Another option is to image them and throw the paper away after you no longer need it.

As to labeling, a Sharpie always served me well. Never falls off!
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