OSHA clearance stickers on disconnects

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Senior Member
Hampton, VA
Sr. Elec. Engr
At our facility, we have stickers on our panelboards to indicate the required clearance in front of the panelboards required by OSHA and NEC 110.26. In my research, there seems to be a majority opinion that this clearance should also be applied to disconnect switches, both fused and unfused. If this is the case, should we also install "required clearance stickers per OSHA" on disconnect switches? How should we deal with disconnects that do not currently conform to the minimum required clearance as defined in NEC 110.26?
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In public places we ask them to move it, if it is a repeat we call the fire marshal, in a private place we ask them to move it and tell them that our inspector would require that be corrected be fore it would pass inspection.
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