Our latest bid results.....HAHAHAHa...

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Senior Member
Well, Tuesday I bid a small church remodel....PITA Factor was pretty high on this one. Church was built in 1870. I wont go into details, but my number was $18650.00. I thought I may be a little high, but sure dont wanna lose my hind quarters on this.

Called GC this morning, (only 1 GC bidding, and one other EC) to find out where we fell in line at....his response....well.......you were alot higher, the other guy was at $4000.00. I said, well, who are you gonna use? GC replied that he would let me know, he needed to talk to the other guy, but didnt think he could cover his material for that money.

I am certain he couldnt cover his material for that money.....I told the GC to keep my info. if he uses the other guy, because I might be interested in finishing the job when the other guys shoots himself a week and a half into the job:grin:


Senior Member
Well, Tuesday I bid a small church remodel....PITA Factor was pretty high on this one. Church was built in 1870. I wont go into details, but my number was $18650.00. I thought I may be a little high, but sure dont wanna lose my hind quarters on this.

Called GC this morning, (only 1 GC bidding, and one other EC) to find out where we fell in line at....his response....well.......you were alot higher, the other guy was at $4000.00. I said, well, who are you gonna use? GC replied that he would let me know, he needed to talk to the other guy, but didnt think he could cover his material for that money.

I am certain he couldnt cover his material for that money.....I told the GC to keep my info. if he uses the other guy, because I might be interested in finishing the job when the other guys shoots himself a week and a half into the job:grin:

Low guy gets a second look,seems a bit unfair.
Darwinism at work. If they actually get that job there is no way they will be able to keep the doors open.

It is a time of he who makes the largest mistake gets the job. I had a few of those recently (not the mistake part, the losing to the absurd low bid part). I have been fortunate though to sell a few small jobs for a reasonable rate so it's not all lost but it does seem like a long slog in front of us.
here's how we play

here's how we play

We compete with people working out of the trunk of their cars. No overhead and his employees are family. Give options if you can break those apart in your bid. Band aide price vs real service. Offer your price in stages. Code priorities get priced first and then say stage two is ..... and then creature comforts are this amount... and complete over the top 10 year warranty package is this....
Reconfirm on your bid paper work that they will be choosing an electrician that will be here in 5yrs or better and how proud you will be to show off your work and the history of the church on your website or newsletters. The only down fall is the GC wants a decent profit my suggestions would be better if presented to church board directly. We have GC's that talk to us first or have customers deal directly with us so the GC makes his, his way.
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