Out of work

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Senior Member
Some of you may have noticed that I mentioned that I was "laid off" from my employer. Told Tuesday (6/3), effective (6/6)..... Not like I could not see the writing on the wall, (not doing much) but still....

Anyway my worries are over! I was officially out of work for a whole week-end! And one day.... The sleep-less night are through, all 6 of them.

I'm not trying to gloat - as I know that there are some of you out there on the bench due to the relative lack of an economy we have right now. So I offer this advice and strategy for not becoming a statistic:

  1. Have an outstanding resume that reads well, and sells you. Even if it reads like a corny advertisement it needs to sell what you can do.
  2. Know the subjects of the job your going for - I have this forum and a few others to thank in part for that.
  3. This one is the most important. Every nightmare of a job you get - keep the contacts from it. The only refferances that I used were from jobs that lesser people would have freaked out and/or ran from. Apparently this was the clincher... As those people could honestly say I was good or even just stable under pressure, as opposed to 'Oh we were on a run of the mill job, and it went OK...' IMO the opinions you want, are from the worst projects you ever had and how you handled them.
Not sure if your a contractor or not. I know my state PA has a SEAP Self Employment Assistance Program. What it does is helps you start your own business and collect unemployment for 26 weeks. I don't think it will be getting funding anymore. the budget is tight.

PS I'm laid off to. That is why I have been on here lately. SOOOOOOO bored.

e57 said:
  1. Have an outstanding resume that reads well, and sells you.

Thinking a little highly of yourself there aren't you. ;) Just kidding, I know what you mean. :grin: I am glad you found work again so quickly and good advice to be prepared. On occassion I will tell people that I was in the boy scout reserves..I am usually prepared once a month.
khixxx said:
Not sure if your a contractor or not. I know my state PA has a SEAP Self Employment Assistance Program. What it does is helps you start your own business and collect unemployment for 26 weeks. I don't think it will be getting funding anymore. the budget is tight.

PS I'm laid off to. That is why I have been on here lately. SOOOOOOO bored.


Just the opposite of Iowa. Here, if you're starting a business, they consider you employed and you are forbidden to get unemployment.
Way to go e57. Hang right in there. Your "Character" is in your hands; your "reputation" is in another's. Obviously your "reputation" worked for you. :smile:
480sparky said:
Just the opposite of Iowa. Here, if you're starting a business, they consider you employed and you are forbidden to get unemployment.

We took a big hit from NAFTA. They started to offer training then you lost your unemployment there was no benefit. Now they offer training and you get unemployment. $536 a week Health care $60 a month for high risk. If you try to go back to school you don't get unemployment unless your job was transferred out of state or something crazy.

wbalsam1 said:
Way to go e57. Hang right in there. Your "Character" is in your hands; your "reputation" is in another's. Obviously your "reputation" worked for you. :smile:

You should copy right that! (If not already) But that was exactly my point.

Day one was today - and after all of the formalities they were talking about my referances - offered to print me copies - sure....

Not gonna quote them - but they were a better 'sell' than anything I could have said myself, and had a higher value.
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