Outbuilding feed

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Senior Member
I wish I had a picture of this to share.

Home approximately 15 years old has a 100 amp underground feed to a remote building.

As follows is the make up of the wiring in the basement of the house:

- 1" pvc pipe from panel to a 100 amp meter socket, tap conned to the cement wall. #6 thhn copper conductors, 100 amp breaker.
(2 90 degree short radius plumbing fittings included)

- #6 has brass tubing soldered onto the wire and landed on the line side jaws of the socket.

- Meter jaws are jumpered 1/8" steel bars

- Load side wiring is 4/0 Al single conductors in 2" pvc through cement wall . Conductors in LB appear to have been put in with hammer and block of wood.

Couldn't bring myself to open the panel⚡⚡️??

- Grounding conductor is #4 solid Cu.

Almost forgot:

Meter socket had plywood disc for cover.

Rough in inspection sticker on panel cover, no final.
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