Outdoor Diesel Generator Location

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Troy, MI
I'm looking for code requirements that allow or prohibit the following in the State of Ohio:

  1. Can the generator be located in the same ?yard? as mechanical equipment (e.g. cooling towers)?
  2. Can the generator be located adjacent to the owner's 12.47kV-480V primary outdoor pad mounted transformer?

Assume all required clearances are met. The generator is 500KW and sits on a belly tank that sits on grade (on a cement pad, of course.). This is a level 1 system as defined by NFPA 110.
From a life safety perspective I see a fuel tank and I see fossil fuel exhaust. Maintain distances from building walls & building openings and I think you're fine.

None of the other things you mentioned appear to be of concern. No fresh air intake at that cooling tower, right?
Thanks! No intake on the cooling towers. There is a 2500kVA liquid filled pad-mount transformer in the yard as well. We're trying to convince the owner to pay the premium for less-flammable to allow for reduction in separation distance per FM Global. Any other codes that I should reference when laying out the generator, transformer, and MV primary switch? NEC working clearances have already been considered.
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