Outdoor outlet accessibility

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Medina, NY, usa
Here in North Carolina they are now interpreting the meaning of 210.52 E1 to mean "if you can walk up the stairs to the porch and the outlet there is less than 6 1/2' above grade at the bottom of the steps" it meets the intent of the code. Is this correct? since they took out the phrase" standing on grade" the electricians submit that as long as you can drape the cord up the stairs and the outlet on the porch is less than 6 1/2' above grade it is perfectly alright!
what say ye?
2014 NEC 210.52(E)(1)
. . . readily accessible from grade . . .

In my opinion, an open porch, without a screen door, and with a receptacle outlet mounted above the porch floor, where the receptacle outlet is less than 6.5 feet above grade, and permanent stairs from grade to the porch exist, meets the Article 100 Definition of Accessible, Readily (Readily Accessible).

I think that, while it may be said that one "climbs stairs", one is neither "climbing over" nor "climbing under" stairs.

Also, 210.52(E)(3) doesn't exclude its required receptacle outlet(s) from being used to satisfy other rules.
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