Working in a very old house where it is impossible to run wires without making it look like a war zone.
Customer want me to put an outdoor outlet for Christmas lights by the front entryway. I can easily tap off of the inside switch box where a feed to several lights are.
However, it's a condo. Permit will be required. Are there any exceptions for tapping off a lighting circuit for an outdoor receptacle??? I cannot find anything in the code to tell me otherwise.
Working in a very old house where it is impossible to run wires without making it look like a war zone.
Customer want me to put an outdoor outlet for Christmas lights by the front entryway. I can easily tap off of the inside switch box where a feed to several lights are.
However, it's a condo. Permit will be required. Are there any exceptions for tapping off a lighting circuit for an outdoor receptacle??? I cannot find anything in the code to tell me otherwise.