Outdoor welding outlet cover

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Senior Member
If I want to put a 60 amp, 220v welding outlet on the outside of a garage, what would I use for a weatherproof, in use cover? I still havn't decided wether I want to use a twist lock outlet, or straight in like on a stove. It really dosn't matter. I called the supply house asking for a WP in use cover for a stove outlet, and they couldn't give me any answers. Don't they use something similar to this for RV's?
Stahl plug, (might be overkill) or look at any number of other sites. Hubbell, P&S, etc. Get a good twist lock and I would think they will have some sort of accessory for a weather proof install.
If you meet the requirements of 406.8(B)(2)(b) you don't need an in-use cover, just a weatherproof cover that is weatherproof when the attachment plug is removed.

Hmmm... I checked all the companies web sites that everyone reccomended and was unable to find a 220 bubble cover. Maybe I'm missing something. I would really prefer to use an in use cover tho.
The most convenient option would probably be to buy a 4 wire 50 amp RV recep in Midwest box. See if you can swap their 4 wire recep with the 3 wire recep that matches the welder. I couldn't tell you if the recep diameters are the same though...
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