Outlet spacing servicing a countertop in a kitchen

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I I have an instance where an outlet being two feet from the sink ( 2 ft 4 ft rule ) will end up in an appliance garage on the countertop the appliance garage will be closed off with a little rolling door is that outlet in there considered servicing the 15 in of exposed countertop in between the sink in the appliance garage or do I need an additional Outlet there
If there is 15 inches to the sink, then you need an outlet. If it were less than 12 inches likely not needed.

I don't recall how long it has been since they changed wording but at some point they stopped recognizing outlets inside appliance garages as being part of what serves the general countertop area. Maybe as far back as 2005 or so?
Based on what I'm seeing in 210.52 (C) (1), if the receptacle is within 24" from the sink I would say that you're ok. The appliance garage is not taking up the entire width of the countertop so I see it as an unbroken length of countertop. If you can't get clarification from the AHJ, I would add one in the space. I've never heard a homeowner complain of too many receptacles on the counter.
Based on what I'm seeing in 210.52 (C) (1), if the receptacle is within 24" from the sink I would say that you're ok.
The receptacle outlet within the appliance garage is not considered one of the required wall countertop receptacle outlets, so I don't see how the 24" requirement would be met without a receptacle outlet in the 15" space.
The receptacle outlet within the appliance garage is not considered one of the required wall countertop receptacle outlets, so I don't see how the 24" requirement would be met without a receptacle outlet in the 15" space.
I agree with you here. Like I said above, I would add one. I'm thinking about "Charlie's Rule" here. Is there a code reference that states an appliance garage divides sections of countertops?
Is there a code reference that states an appliance garage divides sections of countertops?
No, there isn't a code reference that states an appliance garage divides sections of countertops.

There is a code reference (210.52(C)(5)) that states that receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by an appliance garage shall not be considered as a required countertop receptacle outlet.
No, there isn't a code reference that states an appliance garage divides sections of countertops.

There is a code reference (210.52(C)(5)) that states that receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by an appliance garage shall not be considered as a required countertop receptacle outlet.
There it is! Thank you. There is not a (C) (5) in my 2020 NEC but it is shaded in (C) (3) I appreciate that
I also see the appliance garage as an interruption of the counter space, certainly along the wall, and see the 15" space as requiring a receptacle as any space 12" or wider would.
No, there isn't a code reference that states an appliance garage divides sections of countertops.

There is a code reference (210.52(C)(5)) that states that receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by an appliance garage shall not be considered as a required countertop receptacle outlet.
So what happens if you have an appliance garage longer than 4'?

Cheers, Wayne
I'm just going to sit back and eat popcorn and watch! LOL
Here ya go:
I don't want to start a rivalry here guys lol however I have 2017 and 2020 and I found both references Thank you all!
As a young man coming up in this world, I'll take all the help I can get...
So what happens if you have an appliance garage longer than 4'?

Cheers, Wayne
The idea behind receptacle spacing is that a 2-ft cord will reach a receptacle no matter where the appliance sits.

I would install receptacles spaced accordingly in an appliance garage
So what happens if you have an appliance garage longer than 4'?

Cheers, Wayne
That is a good question. Reading current wording it seems that space inside the garage is probably optional as to whether or not you must have a receptacle within the garage, but definitely can't count one within as serving any space outside. The question is then whether or not space in front of garage is counted as that must be served by a receptacle(s). If it is over 12 inches wide (either dimension) I think it needs receptacle(s) serving it though.
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