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Senior Member
My inspector says 13 outlets per circuit in single family dwelling. I thought this did not apply to single family. Thanks for opinions, Tim
Re: outlets

The short answer is, your inspector is wrong.

There is no limit in Dwelling Units.

Re: outlets

The inspector is asking for something beyond NEC, see 220-3(A)=3VA per SQ FT & 220-3(B)(10):
"outlets specified in"? ?are included in the [3VA per SQ FT]? and "no additional load calculations shall be required for such outlets" [as]:
(1): general use per 210-11(C)(3)
(2): receptacle outlets per 210-52(E)&(G)

The inspector is asking for something in from 220-13 for "other than dwelling units" which is 180VA per receptacle, this code is NOT for dwelling units.

In my opinion the 3VA as per Table 220-3(A) is very safe unless you have custom lighting then just simply calculate your lighting as per actual load. If a residence is circuited correctly the general lighting load especially on the receptacles is very low.
Re: outlets

I have allways gone with the following circuiting. No more than 4 duplex on a small appliance circuit and 8 on a general duty circuit. Bedrooms living rooms etc.
Re: outlets


You are right. Take this to a open book discussion with your inspector. Tryinghard said the same thing I'm laying out here.

Begin at
220.3 Computation of Branch Circuit Loads.
(A) Lighting Load for Specified Occupancies.
A unit load of not less than that specified in Table 220.3(A)
Then from Table 220.3(A)
Table 220.3(A) General Lighting Loads by Occupancy
Dwelling units? 3 watts/ft?
Note the superscript "a" (?) after dwelling units and look down to the bottom of the table for note ?
?See 220.3(B)(10).
220.3(B)(10) Dwelling Occupancies. In one-family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings and in guest rooms of hotels and motels, the outlets specified in (1), (2), and (3) are included in the general lighting load calculations of 220.3(A). No additional load calculations shall be required for such outlets. (my emphasis - Al) </font>
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">All general-use receptacle outlets of 20-ampere rating or less, including receptacles connected to the circuits in 210.11(C)(3)</font>
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The receptacle outlets specified in 210.52(E) and (G)</font>
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The lighting outlets specified in 210.70(A) and (B)</font>
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