Outside feeder serve multiple buildings and plaques

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
Please read entire before going to questions.

Attached sketches is showing apartment complex one cluster with building #1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. One sketch is top view and another is elevation view.

Each building is three levels with attic and has dwelling units except building #2 and #4 which has electric room as well as dwelling units.

Sketch show each building is joined and separated by firewall. So building #1 separate building #2 by firewall same between building #2 and #3, building #3 and #4 etc

Both Fire protection engineer and Architect say they consider each building separate building. Building #1 is separate from #2, building #2 separate from #3 etc.

Attached sketches also shows outside POCO utility transformer feeding service switchboard outside. From service switchboard have one outside feeder FDR #1 going to Panel A. Panel A is attached to exterior wall of Building #3. Panel A then has two feeders go up the exterior walls of Building #3, go inside attic and then go to building #2, #4 attic and drop down to electric rooms and to meter stacks. The meter stacks feed buildings #1 to #8 dwelling units panelboards.


1. Each building #1 to #8 are consider separate buildings as stated by Architect and fire protection engineer. Can one outside feeder FDR#1 feed multiple buildings building #1 to #8 as shown in sketch thru panel A or not? I read NEC 2014 section 225.30 but I am confused a building can be fed by one feeder but in this case I am not sure if one feeder can fed multiple buildings or not.

2. Would plaques be required in electric rooms buildings #2,#4 or not?


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Sorry I mis read you are not asking about multiple feeders. But I must say you do post a lot of interesting plan review questions. I do plan review everyday and most of my comments pertain to fire pumps, working clearances, etc...( simple stuff )
Sorry I mis read you are not asking about multiple feeders. But I must say you do post a lot of interesting plan review questions. I do plan review everyday and most of my comments pertain to fire pumps, working clearances, etc...( simple stuff )

I am not sure where you are plan reviewer but over here plan reviewers are suppose to check for all items that is not NEC 2014 code compliance and enforce it to be code compliance. Above items are all in code but not sure code compliance
I can make a set of plans bleed so to speak and I retired as an EI ( 18 years) in D.C. All I said is that you post a lot of interesting questions. Anyway, your sketch above is odd as what I typically see for a multi family set up.
I can make a set of plans bleed so to speak and I retired as an EI ( 18 years) in D.C. All I said is that you post a lot of interesting questions. Anyway, your sketch above is odd as what I typically see for a multi family set up.

What do you typically see?
I may not be following your sketch as you the author would but in DC was high rise residential gear, bus way up to meter pacs per floor. Here in Indy typical 4 level multi family poco hits one side of building to service / meter pacs then feeders to units, pretty much cookie cutter in my area. As I mentioned now in my semi retired years I am only called on for gear, fire pump, elevator, transformer, etc., plans and inspections.
I may not be following your sketch as you the author would but in DC was high rise residential gear, bus way up to meter pacs per floor. Here in Indy typical 4 level multi family poco hits one side of building to service / meter pacs then feeders to units, pretty much cookie cutter in my area. As I mentioned now in my semi retired years I am only called on for gear, fire pump, elevator, transformer, etc., plans and inspections.

I dont think post# is high rise

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