Outside Generator Location

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Tavares, FL, USA
In reading NFPA 37, Section 4.1.1; it says the minimum separation shall not be required if you meet item 1. Adjacent wall of structure is 1 hr rated. and 2. the weatherproof enclosure on the generator is noncombustible.

Does this include the opening spacing requirement of 5ft?

If the opening is a solid window (non operable) in a masonry wall, is this still considered an opening?
I remember someone posting this question earlier (maybe you?), but I wasn't sure what the answer is. I think you will have to ask your AHJ.

Since the opening is filled with glass which can't be opened, I'm not sure it is still an "opening". However, I'm also pretty sure the glass wouldn't be fire rated, so I'm not sure how you can call it a 1 hour rated wall if the generator is within 5' of the window.
@ ~ @

The window in your application IS an opening in the wall.
If it is a "tested & approved" fire rated wall assembly,
then your non-openable window would need to be tested
and rated by an approved testing agency, then correctly
installed as a fire rated "Opening Protected" window

@ ~ @
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