Outside receptacle

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Where in the 2002 code book can I find information on locating an outside receptacle in the vacinity of the air conditioner unit. I only find that a receptacle should be located on the front and rear of a residence.

Thank you
Is this a commercial or residential application ??

I see you are a contractor , what kind ?
I found it

I found it

After posting my question, I think I found the answer, 210.63. This is a residential situation and we are a small Electrical Contractor. Let me know if you agree.
WELLLLLLLLL ok I agree , but what about GFI protection ??

What do you normally do in this situation ?

Also is this Ac unit underground or more than 9 ft above grade??
I have already installed the ac disconnect in the general vacinity of the ac unit which has not yet been installed. The ac contractor gave us the general location to place the disconnect, I will leave it to them to get the unit set at a location to allow us to make the connections with a adequate lengthed whip.

We are in a small town situation with minimal code inspections which is why I am not as familar with the code book as I should be. We try to follow the code as closely as possible. We trained with Tom Henry to get our licenses and my eyes were opened with all of the situations which were encountered such as, ampacities 60d, 75d 90d, correction factors, adjustment factors, bonding, motor calulation, and all of the rest.
You ask questions don't you ??

The person I am asking questions is asking questions right ?

I just want to know answers just like he does and you do .
Nothing to settle down here, DRG in good mood , just wants to know how electrical contactor hooks up the disconnect and GfI for AC unit on house.

Perhaps "if" would be a better choice but he passed test. ( That 9 foot above grade was a sleeper, hey)

I should have waited for a moderator to pass their judgement and lock this post until the poor member returned a private message saying he has been in the trade "30 years and whatever else" they claim and then reopen the post after questionable claims of credentials , oh those poor things how could they have been tooken so wrong, everyone should know.

At least this guy was honest and gave a nice explanation , poor slob in small town with no body to watch what they are doing for lot of years and then everyone starts wiping the sleep from their eyes and they now want to wake up and do right,

I guess lot of us come from the same place , small town USA , but besides that point there is nothing wrong with feeling out a new member if we keep it somewhat harmless and keep it clean.

Lot of people complain about DIY'ERs here but then you catch some of these guys patting them on the backside ......go figure hey .
DRG, show me two guys with "contractor" in their profile sounding confused and asking for a code reference, and I will show you a guy who passed his RW test and wired houses successfully for over a year without knowing the 2'/4' rule in kitchens.

It's remarkable that some of the items that are engrained in our souls can somehow get missed in other's experience. Weird stuff happens every day. :)

I'm not saying that if I had looked closer I would not have come to the same conclusion you did, I just was saying that I agreed that you came off as a little harsh, to a fella who found the section on his own. :)

A little advice to jjones: If you are in fact an electrician as you claim, you should probably edit your profile so that you don't look like a General Contractor playing sparky for a day. ;)
I don't who you are in agreement with that I was harsh , and also who you whisper back and forth with on this forum I could care less about, we don't need self appointed den mothers here who preach "how the world should be according to stoltz "

I have seen you and many others here use tactics that while clever and funny, were also meant to ridicule ,and make light of other forum members here, you have a good memory , think about that some hey!!

One difference is that some of you are more cunning and experienced in the way you play games but the end results are quite the same, another difference is some of you have think you have established a little clique where you think no matter what you say is going to be accepted , I can live with that and don't raise a issue with it either , for now anyways.

Its seems like you have fallen into good graces here at the forum and really do believe that on the "7th day georgesotlz was created" , perhaps someday with your greatness you will learn to " get over youself " and mind your own business on certain issues !!

Until then go .....................or whatever your type does.
I didn?t mean to create such a controversy, just wanted a question answered and found a site where there was a large group of competent and experienced viewers in the electrical field. In all areas of life there is a range in individual competency. I am reluctant to ask future questions.
jjones@tctelco.net said:
I am reluctant to ask future questions.

JJ, I don't believe there is anyone here that would want you to hold back your questions.

I will try to keep my opinion to myself in regards to the other conversation, but I will say, it's not usually like that here.

Being a small town contractor where there is some lax adherence to the code is a problem. However, the more you follow code, the safer your town will be. Who knows, your AHJ and competitors might learn from you!

Stick around for a while and give us your opinion on Code issues, we can learn from you as well.
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drg said:
I don't who you are in agreement with that I was harsh , and also who you whisper back and forth with on this forum I could care less about, we don't need self appointed den mothers here who preach "how the world should be according to stoltz "
On the first page, Larry seemed to indicate that it was a little over the top. At least, that's how I read it. I didn't "whisper around" to get opinions on it. You've read my posts: don't I have enough opinion without borrowing someone elses? :D

One difference is that some of you are more cunning and experienced in the way you play games but the end results are quite the same...
You have an excellent point. I have done that in the past. What I saw as I progressed through the thread was that your questions would not have successfully flushed out a DIY anyway, so they ended up coming off as combative, instead of "feeling the victim out" which I'll admit can be fun to do. :D

Its seems like you have fallen into good graces here at the forum and really do believe that on the "7th day georgesotlz was created" , perhaps someday with your greatness you will learn to " get over youself "
It was the 9th, not the 7th.
georgestolz said:
On the first page, Larry seemed to indicate that it was a little over the top. At least, that's how I read it.
You read it correctly.

I didn't understand the point of such questions, except to uncover (harrass) what may have been a DIY'er posing as a pro.

Was I correct, DRG?
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