Overhead branch ckt

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Senior Member
The single underground branch ckt that feeds a out building went bad. The building is surounded buy concrete. Can I use art 225 and Just run an overheard branch ckt to that building using a triplex cable? I have never done this before so any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
yes you may use 225. also refer to 250.32.

The supply house should be able to suggest messenger loading issues as to windage, icing, lenght of rut ect.
check this out

check this out

It is good to review various parts of the code, refresh your memory and to be sure of specific requirements.
The code reference 225.6 (A) allows a #10 copper or #8 aluminum conductor to serve as an aerial conductor (see also 398.30) without a "messenger wire" provided the run is 50 feet or less. UF wire is an approved overhead cable when it is marked "sunlight resistent" 340.12 (9), 310.8 (D) and when a messenger wire is installed 396.10 (A).

Wire nuts and white nylon wire ties are not approved by the manufacturer to be installed in sunlight. The code requires us to follow the manufacturers recommendations 110.3 (B)

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