Overhead uninterrupted run for utilities service entrance?

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pasadena, ca
Electrical Contractor
The city of Los Angeles is requesting there be no LB from the overhead connections in the conduit run, without actually writing it down in any paperwork. I have not been able to find any specific code requiring a continuing uninterrupted run for the service entrance to meter. We have escalated to senior city inspector who is now requiring a detailed, drawn meter spot from utilities with the drawing showing the run and specification of material allowed. My company does not charge for any correction needed as long as it is a legitimate code or city regulation violation. We have requested the city provide a NEC code violation or city regulation. They claim they will "find and quote it." Either way, the senior inspector has let us know he will push the utilities tech to be more strict on material used. Is there anywhere in the code that requires this?
This is not a code issue, however there are some utilities that do not permit any type of access point in the conduit system between the service point and the meter.
Yes, I know. Thank you for responding. I suppose the inspector is trying to get utilities on their side since they have not been able to cite code and refuse to put it in writing.
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Thank you all very much. Especially mtnelect, I literally requested this and was denied or more specifically was told refer "to the spot sheet." Also, I knew not all HVAC techs where useless!.... LOL
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